A Database view is an object in SQL database.
You can create it by executing a CREATE VIEW command on your database. It is used to format, and combine data from multiple tables in one single table, which is not a real table since it just collects and formats data from other tables. But other applications that connect to the database they threat a table or a view in the same way. So in case of Table JX a database view will show up on the list among with all other tables after it is created.
Create View
The very basic example of an SQL command to create a View "ViewName" that puls data from "Table1" and "Table2" which are connected by fields Table1.ID and Table2.ID:
WHERE t1.ID = t2.ID
For more information about views please refer to mysql documentation: dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-view.html