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Table JX for Joomla 4

Table JX is a component that makes it possible to display database table on your Joomla page within a minute. This tool shows data from your database in a searchable and sortable grid. There are hundreds of ways how this component can be used!

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Card View JX is a Joomla! component that helps you to display records from database tables as cards on your Joomla page. AJAX driven searching and sorting is also available.

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Paid downloads JX

Paid Downloads is a solution for you! It is a lightweight and simple-to-use extension, that makes your e-commerce simple and manageable. It uses PayPal's service to execute transactions.

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With Live Graph JX you can get your data moving. Set up a graph directly from the data stored in your database and insert it into an article.

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Shortcuts JX

Improve your administration experience with keyboard shortcuts. How many times have you hit CTRL+S hoping it would save the article you were editing? This plugin will make it work.

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Table JX 4 [NEW!]

Table JX is a component that makes it possible to display database table on your Joomla page within a minute.


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Card View JX 4  [NEW!]

Card View JX is a Joomla! component that helps you to display records from database tables as cards on your Joomla page.


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SJX Galleries [NEW!]

Turn your website into an interactive photo book.


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SJX Locations [NEW!]

Describe your locations and show them on the map.


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SJX Bundle [NEW!]

Buy a bundle and enchance your location with a beautiful gallery.


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Live Graph JX

With Live Graph JX you can get your data moving. Set up a graph directly from the data stored in your database and insert it into an article.


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Paid Downloads JX

Do you have a file which you would like to sell? Paid Downloads is a solution for you!


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Shortcuts JX

Keyboard shortcuts for Joomla backend. Save your contents with CTRL + S.

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Quisque in mi commodo, porta lectus sed, porta mi. Phasellus sit amet dolor augue. Sed nisl libero, mattis quis turpis sed, facilisis viverra tortor. Vestibulum suscipit cursus facilisis. Pellentesque volutpat placerat massa sit amet malesuada. Nulla bibendum consequat consequat. Proin gravida sagittis semper. Nam scelerisque porta urna, a placerat sapien dapibus sed. Mauris quis sodales justo. Nulla mattis ac neque eget tempor. Aliquam placerat velit auctor erat finibus facilisis. Fusce malesuada a lacus at gravida. Maecenas non rhoncus lorem.

Ut porta libero sed condimentum sollicitudin. Phasellus velit sem, placerat vel gravida quis, tincidunt a arcu. Cras porttitor, elit quis laoreet venenatis, velit lacus iaculis mi, et pharetra tortor justo a lacus. Proin bibendum finibus mattis. Integer elementum, nulla eu venenatis efficitur, urna dui sagittis ex, vitae aliquam lorem ante ac orci. Nulla risus ipsum, vestibulum eget varius pulvinar, ornare vitae magna. Curabitur vel dictum sapien.


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With SJX Galleries you are able to showcase your galleries within an article. This can be done by just a few clicks. Check also the demo page, to see how the results look like.

Three steps to display your gallery in an article.

1. Installation

Installation is not different from any other Joomla extension. Go to Extension Manager (Extensions > Manage > Install). Find and select the installation package from your computer by dragging and dropping a file or clicking the "Browse for file" button to install the extension on your site. During the installation, the main component and will be installed and enabled.

2. Creating a gallery

The installed component should appear under the Components menu. After clicking on SJX Galleries on the menu an empty list should appear.  To add a new gallery click the "New" button.

A form appears where you set a title and add images and YouTube clips using the toolbar actions. On the next tab, you can also define all kinds of different display settings.

After inserting the items you can change their order by dragging and dropping them.

You are able to soft delete the items. This means that the action is reversible and you can bring back the deleted items by clicking the "Undo deleted".

You can edit the item name by double-clicking the name, change the name and click the green check button. 

Save the gallery and you are ready to go to the next step.

2. Attaching the gallery to an article

You can easily attach a gallery to the article by navigating to the article edit page. Once you are on the edit page an "Append Gallery" button will appear in the editor toolbar. Click it to open the modal where you can select a gallery. The alternative is to manually insert a shortcode into the article.

After successfully saving it you can preview the gallery inside an article.



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