Here you can see Table JX in action! There are a few examples where it is shown what can be achieved with Table JX.  It is possible to show as many grids on the same page as you wish. Using some creativity, you can bring viewers of your page great experience and personal touch with your data. See also the Quick Start Guide to learn more about the backend interface.

Basic example

Here is an example which shows what you get by using only basic configuration. See how easy it is to look inside Northwind's data? Searching, sorting, viewing page by page. The grid can fit in any Joomla template.

Northwind's Products

 ProductID   ProductName   UnitsInStock 
3Aniseed Syrup13
4Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning53
5Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix0
6Grandma's Boysenberry Spread120
7Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears15
8Northwoods Cranberry Sauce6
9Mishi Kobe Niku29
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Real Time Data

The table below shows real-time data about the number purchases of from our website. A database view was used for the calculation of percentage and range definition. A secondary order by option makes it possible sort countries within ranges. This example shows how easy it is to show any kind of data.  If you create an article and do some access control to that article, you will be able to show table(s) only to the users who are able to view your article. You can also use a backend options to filter the data and show each user his/her data.

Purchases by Country
(97 Records)

 Country   Purchases 
ITALY 5%-10%
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Links, Search and Display Options

Next example is a linkable table where the records are linked to the articles on this website. Links can point to any address. They can be either defined in your database, or you can define a link template using a special parameter, which is then replaced for every record with the data from your database. The administration interface is very intuitive. Beside that you can also see on this example how you are able to give your users some more options for viewing and searching through the data and if you want you can also display line numbers...

Records per Page:

# title   hits   id 
2How to connect to remote database?110232
3How to create a database View and use it with Tools JX?180693
4Quick Start Guide226904
5How to pull data from multiple database tables?90235
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Styles, Advances Search Form, All kinds of options

Styles of the grid are inherited from page template, however with a simple color selector you can colorify your table to suit your mood. If you want to get more advanced there are also some CSS classes defined which you can use to grab the grid and modify its styles using CSS. 

This example also represents the advanced Search Form where you can use search conditions for each field. In the backend there is an option where you can select weather to use AND or OR operator between the search constraints. 

As you see also a simple performance information can be displayed at the bottom of the grid.

(9 Records)

# Name   Surname   Title   Address 
1DavolioNancySales Representative507 - 20th Ave. E.
Apt. 2A
2FullerAndrewVice President, Sales908 W. Capital Way
3LeverlingJanetSales Representative722 Moss Bay Blvd.
4PeacockMargaretSales Representative4110 Old Redmond Rd.
5BuchananStevenSales Manager14 Garrett Hill
6SuyamaMichaelSales RepresentativeCoventry House
Miner Rd.
7KingRobertSales RepresentativeEdgeham Hollow
Winchester Way
8CallahanLauraInside Sales Coordinator4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.
9DodsworthAnneSales Representative7 Houndstooth Rd.
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Query took 0.51 miliseconds

There is more...

There are also some more display and search options available in the backend. For example the line height and column width can be adjusted. Additional where condition can also be defined if you want to filter your data before the appear on the website. Some dynamic parameters are also available, so that it is possible to filter the data according to the logged in user, user group, or the article where the grid appears in. The backend interface is simple and very intuitive and all the options are listed clearly on one single page, so you can quickly find, access and change the options however you like. See also the Quick Start Guide to learn more about the backend.

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