A view can be created by running a CREATE VIEW command on your database.
- Open your database administration tool (usually PhpMyAdmin) and open a SQL query window.
- Create a view using the CREATE VIEW syntax (for starters, try something simple like "CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM oneofmydatabasetables").
- Save the view within the database and display it. if it displays fine and without SQL syntax error within your database, go to your Tools JX admin screen.
- In "Connection", hit the "Check and list tables" button, the new view "test" should display in the "Table Names in Database" dropdown list in the "Table Settings section".
- Select "test" from the dropdown list, set up "test" in the Tools JX admin screen like you would set up any other of the databases' tables to be displayed in a grid in an article.
CREATE VIEW examples
Create a view "ViewName" that pulls data from "Table1" and "Table2" which are connected by fields Table1.ID and Table2.ID
WHERE t1.ID = t2.ID
Create a view pulling data from two tables using INNER JOIN
ON t1.ID = t2.ID
Create a view that enables you to dislay images in the Table JX or Card View JX. It creates a <img> tag from a field where only an URL of an image is stored.
(when flag = True) then '<img src="pic1.gif" alt="P1" />'
(when flag = False) then '<img src="pic2.gif" alt="P2" />'
end) As Pic
FROM YourTable
SELECT catid, MAX(created) AS LastDate
FROM jos_content
GROUP BY catid
FROM jos_content
INNER JOIN myHelpView ON myHelpView.catid = jos_content.catid
AND myHelpView.LastDate = jos_content.created
It is obvious that a database view is a very powerfull tool for data manipulation. With the connection with Tools JX you can insert almost any set of data that you want straight into your Joomla article.